Top 5 Strongest Combinations of Son Goku in Dragon Ball

Top 5 strongest combinations of Son Goku in Dragon Ball

Son Goku, the iconic protagonist of the Dragon Ball series, is known for his incredible strength and ability to push beyond his limits in the pursuit of greater power. Throughout the series, Goku has formed powerful combinations with various allies, resulting in formidable fusion forms and team-ups. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top 5 strongest combinations of Son Goku in Dragon Ball, showcasing the unparalleled might that emerges when Goku joins forces with others.

Goku and Vegeta: The Fusion Dance:

Goku and Vegeta The Fusion Dance
Goku and Vegeta The Fusion Dance

One of the most iconic and powerful combinations in Dragon Ball is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta using the Fusion Dance technique. This fusion results in the creation of Gogeta, a warrior of unparalleled strength and skill. As Gogeta, Goku and Vegeta’s powers are combined, resulting in a being capable of taking on even the most formidable opponents with ease. With their complementary fighting styles and unwavering determination, Gogeta stands as one of the strongest warriors in the Dragon Ball universe.

Goku and Vegeta: The Potara Fusion in Dragon Ball:

Goku and Vegeta: The Potara Fusion
Goku and Vegeta: The Potara Fusion

Another legendary fusion between Goku and Vegeta is achieved through the Potara earrings, resulting in the creation of Vegito. Unlike the Fusion Dance, the Potara Fusion is permanent, allowing Goku and Vegeta to merge their powers indefinitely. As Vegito, Goku and Vegeta reach new heights of strength and agility, capable of overwhelming even the most powerful adversaries. With their combined intellect and combat prowess, Vegito proves to be an unstoppable force in battle.

Goku and Gohan: Father-Son Team-Up:

Goku and Gohan Father-Son Team-Up
Goku and Gohan Father-Son Team-Up

The bond between Goku and his son Gohan is a central theme throughout the Dragon Ball series, and their combined strength is a force to be reckoned with. Whether fighting side by side or training together in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Goku and Gohan’s teamwork and familial connection enable them to achieve incredible feats of strength and skill. Their combined power reaches its pinnacle during the Cell Saga when they unleash the Father-Son Kamehameha, a devastating technique that vanquishes the villainous Cell once and for all.

Goku and Future Trunks: The Saiyan Duo:

Goku and Future Trunks The Saiyan Duo
Goku and Future Trunks The Saiyan Duo

In the alternate future timeline, Goku and Future Trunks join forces to combat the android threat. While Goku’s power is limited due to his untimely death from a heart virus, his strategic mind and fighting spirit are as strong as ever. Paired with Future Trunks’ fierce determination and advanced combat skills, the Saiyan duo proves to be a formidable team against the androids and their creator, Dr. Gero. Together, Goku and Future Trunks exemplify the resilience and indomitable spirit of the Saiyan race.

Goku and Piccolo: The Unlikely Alliance:

Goku and Piccolo The Unlikely Alliance
Goku and Piccolo The Unlikely Alliance

Though initially adversaries, Goku and Piccolo eventually form an unlikely alliance to defend Earth against powerful foes. With their contrasting personalities and fighting styles, Goku and Piccolo complement each other in battle, covering each other’s weaknesses and maximizing their strengths. Their combined efforts result in some of the most memorable victories in Dragon Ball history, showcasing the power of teamwork and mutual respect.


In conclusion, Son Goku’s journey in the Dragon Ball series is marked by powerful alliances and unforgettable team-ups that showcase the true extent of his strength and character. Whether fusing with Vegeta to become Gogeta or teaming up with his son Gohan and other allies, Goku proves time and again that his greatest power lies not only in his own abilities but also in the bonds he shares with those around him. Through these top 5 strongest combinations, Son Goku continues to inspire fans with his unwavering determination and indomitable spirit in the face of any challenge. Above is some information you can know about Dragon Ball Z. Click here for more information and our products!